What Do You Know About Arthritis? Let Us Be Your Resource.
Our caregivers are here for you – today and every day, no matter the circumstances or how uncertain the times. Our residents’ health and well-being are always a top priority. That’s why we assist them with the many diseases that could prevent them from leading happy lives –including arthritis. Health care providers and senior living communities like ours play a valuable role by counseling people with arthritis to be physically active and to maintain a healthy weight. But what does arthritis look like? How do you recognize the signs?
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and can affect just one joint or multiple joints. It can be found in people of all ages, including children, but it’s most commonly experienced by adults over the age of 65. It is more common in women than men.
For those living with arthritis, every day can feel like a challenge. Growing older increases the risk of arthritis as does family history, being overweight, or excessive use or injury of joints. Symptoms range from stiffness and mild pain to consistent severe pain. For some, the pain and stiffness can make sleeping almost impossible.
The joint pain and stiffness result from a breakdown of cartilage, causing the bones in the joint to rub together. Arthritis sufferers often experience deterioration in coordination and posture and may have trouble climbing stairs, sleeping or walking.
While there’s currently no cure for arthritis, a combination of the right medication and lifestyle modifications can help make the symptoms more manageable.
Help to Cope With Arthritis
In addition to drug treatments, health interventions such as physical exercise, proper nutrition and weight control are all effective in holding off the painful symptoms of many kinds of arthritis. In senior care communities like ours, nutrition is paramount. Our dining options cater to the specific needs of seniors with arthritis so you can count on receiving the right balance of vitamins, minerals and healthful foods.
Activities such as walking can improve arthritis fatigue, pain and quality of life, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We modify on-site exercise classes to the needs of the residents, including programs targeting arthritis.
There are many arthritis pain management suggestions to choose from, including topical medications and hypnosis. It is important to be aware of and track any warning signs or triggers that might be leading to an arthritis flare so you can catch and treat it as early as possible.
Some signs that a flare is near include:
– Overextending yourself physically
– Feeling under the weather
– Not getting enough sleep
Remember to consult your care provider before making any changes to your health routine.
We help seniors cope with the disease every day. We’re expertly positioned with the care team and resources to help you, too. Call for questions about arthritis care or other senior care.